Religions frequently undergo a perilous descent into degradation and contamination, tainted by the insidious influence of cunning and corrupt individuals who manipulate and distort their teachings to serve their hidden agendas. Ghazwa-e-Hind stands as a stark testament to this alarming phenomenon. Before delving into its intricacies, it is crucial to grasp the twisted interpretations and dire ramifications propagated by certain zealots, particularly within today’s Pakistan. These extremists not only amplify radical rhetoric to alarming levels but also echo back into India, where Hindu protectorates use these skewed narratives to demonize their fellow Muslims.
Ghazwa-e-Hind – Understanding the Context and Background
In the culmination of times, in the east, there is prophesied to emerge an individual known as Al-Masiah-ad-Dajjal, believed to be the embodiment of evil. Endowed with extraordinary powers, he is said to perform feats akin to those attributed to Christ, such as raising the dead and curing the infirm. Through his deceitful acts, Dajjal is foretold to deceive many, including the Jewish community, who will mistake him for their awaited Messiah, unaware of his sinister alliance with malevolent forces. It is said that assisted by an army of devils, he will travel the whole world, and enter every city propagating his fake version of Islam. The earth would be under his control to such an extent that even the ruins would turn into treasures and the earth would sprout vegetation on his command. As soon as he descends, he will order a river to flow and then return and then dry up. The river will follow his command. Even the mountains, clouds and wind will be controlled by him. The main aim of the Dajjal will be to create mischief and spread evil in the name of God. Interestingly, he won’t be the 1st one as before him, there would already have been 29 earlier Dajjals who would have prepared the ground for him. Though these Dajjals would act in the name of Allah, those who have eyes would identify them as imposters.
Simultaneously, during the times of the final 30th Dajjal, in the region of Khurasan, the figure of Hazrat Mahdi is prophesied to emerge as a counterbalance to Dajjal’s malevolence. Mahdi is envisioned to assemble an army, embarking on a campaign toward Hindustan (India), where he will conquer its territories and subjugate its Hindu rulers. Subsequently, having subdued these kings, Mahdi will enchain them and redirect his efforts westward to confront Dajjal, with Jesus Christ already engaged in battle against him. It is foretold that Jesus will vanquish Dajjal, and thereafter, in a moment of profound significance, lead prayers under the leadership of Mahdi.

Ghazwa-e-Hind: The Skewed Narrative of Hatred and Illusion
Pakistanis, steeped in their disdain for Indians overall, and Hindus in particular, eagerly lap up twisted narratives on Ghazwa-e-Hind. Any hint of Muslim triumph over their longstanding adversary, India, sends shivers of excitement down their spines, fuelling fantasies and delusions of a final victory. In their eyes, the very idea of a victorious Ghazwa-e-Hind serves as a balm to their wounded pride – a vindication of their self-perceived superiority sometime in the future.

Such is the extent of their self-delusion that some even go to the ludicrous lengths of attributing the partition of India, and the subsequent creation of Pakistan, to a divine plan orchestrated by a higher power. According to this twisted logic, Pakistan was merely a pawn in a larger game – a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal of Islamizing the entire Indian subcontinent.
And so, amidst the haze of their collective animosity, they cling to the misguided belief that Mahdi will emerge as one of their own – a savior leading the charge against their perceived foes. It’s a narrative built on foundations of hatred and fuelled by the desperate longing for validation – a bitter reminder of the depths to which humanity can sink in pursuit of its twisted agendas.
Intimidated by the relentless barrage of purported triumph from their neighbors, Indians often find themselves adopting one of two extreme responses. On one hand, the unyielding Hindu right-wing faction spares no effort in sounding the alarm bells, warning of the perilous implications of Ghazwa-e-Hind. They tirelessly remind the nation of the dark chapters in India’s history, particularly the 800 years of continuous Muslim invasions and the cultural devastation it wrought to Islamize the entire subcontinent.
On the other end of the spectrum, the leftist liberals dismiss the notion of Ghazwa-e-Hind with an air of disdain. Some boldly declare that the supposed conquest has already taken place, citing historical Muslim invasions as evidence. Others simply brush aside the Hadiths about the subject as either fabricated or inconsequential, deeming them unworthy of serious consideration.
But in both cases, the Indian responses are nothing more than erroneous attempts to either overplay or downplay the gravity of the situation. Whether through fear-mongering or outright denial, they fail to address the underlying concerns and complexities surrounding the subject. It’s a futile exercise in evasion, one that only serves to exacerbate tensions and hinder genuine dialogue.
Ghazwa-e-Hind – The current Understanding
In total, the distorted interpretations on Ghazwa-e-Hind can be summed as follows:
- The Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecy is considered baseless.
- The Ghazwa-e-Hind has already occurred and belongs to history.
- The Ghazwa-e-Hind is envisioned as the ultimate triumph of Pakistan/Islam over Hindu-dominated India.
The first narrative has been invalidated as the Deoband school, the foremost Islamic authority in the Indian subcontinent, has recently declared the concept to be in alignment with Islamic theology. This effectively ends any debate and makes the concept a legitimate prophecy of Islamic theology.
The second perspective, which claims that Ghazwa-e-Hind took place with the Islamic conquest of the Indian subcontinent, is also incorrect because this ultimate battle is prophesied to occur in the end times, meaning past invasions cannot be considered as fulfillment of this prophecy.
This brings us to the last and most debated interpretation: the prophecy predicting a final Islamic victory over Hindu India. This aspect demands thorough investigation and a deep understanding of the topic.

Ghazwa-e-Hind – A Comprehensive Examination
To thoroughly dissect this subject of Ghazwa-e-Hind in its entirety, we will deep dive into its multifaceted references. Given its pertinence to the end-times narrative, I will interweave Hadiats on Al-Masih-ad-Dajjal and Hazrat Mahdi, thereby enriching our understanding of the prophetic context
A King of Jerusalem would make troops move forward towards India. The warriors would destroy the land of Hind (India); would possess its treasures, then King would use those treasures for the décor of Jerusalem. That troops would bring the Indian kings in front of king of Jerusalem. His warriors by king’s order would (conquer) all the area between East and West, and would stay in India till the issue of Dajjal (that would come at the end of times)
Kitab-ul-Fitan of Naeem bin Hammad

This prophecy, attributed to Prophet Muhammad, speaks of the initial invasion of India by the King of Jerusalem, foreseen before the culmination of the end times marked by the appearance of Dajjal. For this prophecy to be fulfilled, Jerusalem must be under the dominion of the invading forces as the loot from the conquest would be used to décor of Jerusalem.
Examining history, we find that the nascent Islamic caliphate captured Jerusalem in the year 635 AD and initiated attacks on India soon after the fall of Persia in 642 AD. However, the Kabul Shahi rulers staunchly repelled these advances for nearly two centuries before succumbing to the Abbasid Caliphate in 815 AD converting to Islam to maintain their dominion. As the Abbasids still governed Palestine at that time, the demise of the Kabul Shahi dynasty could be construed as the realization of the aforementioned prophecy. Yet, it is noteworthy that Muslim conquests failed to breach the Indus River, confining their dominion to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of present-day Pakistan.
This Muslim triumph proved short-lived, as within seven years, the converted Muslim Kabul Shahi dynasty was ousted by the Hindu Shahi dynasty, restoring Hindu rule until 1001 AD when Mahmud of Ghazni vanquished its last ruler Jayapala Deva. However, Mahmud of Ghazni’s reign does not align with the prophecy, as he was not a ruler of Palestine.
Thus, Despite the brief tenure of the King of Palestine in Kabul under Abbasid Caliphate from 815AD to 822AD, it may still be deemed as the fulfillment of the prophecy in the western frontiers of Hind – The Historic India

However, the Muslim Caliphate achieved greater success in Sindh, where they defeated Raja Dahir in 711 AD, sending his daughters and vast treasures to the Caliph as war booty.

Given Palestine’s dominion under the Caliph, Muhammad Bin Qasim’s victory in Sindh may be interpreted as the prophecy’s fulfillment. Nevertheless, it is pertinent to note that the king of Palestine’s conquests could not advance beyond Sindh due to the valiant resistance of the Rajputs united under Bappa Rawal and Lalitaditya, limiting their dominion to modern-day Pakistan.
Thus, we may surmise that the above prophecy of Ghazwa-e-Hind indeed materialized, albeit in the region comprising modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was then part of India, rather than in the contemporary Republic of India which the skewed Pakistani narratives on the subject tends to portray. Thus any future references to Ghazwa-e-Hind should also be treated as predictions and prophesies that are related to the Af-Pak region of former Hind, and not today’s political India.
We are the members of a family for whom Allah has chosen the hereafter over this world, and verily the members of my family after me will be faced with expulsion and banishment from the land, until the black banners appear from the East.
narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak (4/511)
The aforementioned Hadees holds profound significance. It recounts a poignant moment where Prophet Mohammed, upon seeing his grandsons Hasan and Husain, embraces them tearfully, prophesying the persecution His family would endure after His passing. True to His words, His daughter faced immense suffering due to internal power struggles among Islamic leaders. According to Shia accounts, she endured physical harm, including a miscarriage, during raids led by Caliph Umar, ultimately succumbing to her injuries. Furthermore, Ali who was the Prophet’s son-in-law, was repeatedly denied the caliphate, facing exclusion from leadership until finally attaining it, only to be assassinated while praying in a mosque. Prophet’s elder grandson, Hasan, was forced into seclusion and poisoned, while His younger grandson, Hussain, faced a brutal ambush and was mercilessly killed in Karbala. The barbarity inflicted upon the Prophet’s family by the rulers of the Islamic caliphate is evidenced by the gruesome acts of the raiders, who not only beheaded Hussain and His followers but mutilated their bodies, leaving them to decay under the scorching desert sun.
An intriguing episode worth noting here is that of the Hussaini Brahmins.
It remains uncertain whether they were a military contingent sent by an Indian king on the call by Hussain or a transient trading caravan passing through the region just before the Battle of Karbala. What is evident, however, is that when Hussain called on humanity for help against the evil Islamic Caliph, this Indian contingent aligned themselves with Hussain’s cause. As it became apparent that Caliph Yazeed was determined to eradicate the Prophet’s lineage, leaving no contender for the position of Caliph, these Hindus rescued the family members of the Prophet (referred to today as Hussani Sayeed) back to India and settled in the city of Sialkot in present-day Pakistan.
Since their return to India, this community, though Brahmin by caste, has refrained from adhering to traditional Hindu practices like temple rituals. While maintaining their Hindu identity, they follow a crossover way of life. For eg, the ceremony of the Mundan that is performed in every Hindu household on the birth of a child is initiated in the name of Hussain. Each member of their community supports a cut mark on their throat signifying their supreme sacrifice in fighting for the cause of the Grand Son of Prophet Mohammed.
Who exactly are these individuals? Could it be possible that among them resides a descendant of Prophet Mohammed incognito, awaiting the prophesied end times to unveil their true lineage? The concept of Taqiyya, or concealing one’s beliefs or identity for a greater purpose, has long been ingrained in Islam since its early days. Is it possible that the children of Prophet Mohammed are in Taqiyya, living alongside the Hussaini Brahmins as Hindus? Remember we referred to the miscarriage of Fatima (Prophet’s daughter and Ali’s wife). Is it possible that this miscarriage was a hoax propagated by followers of Ali and Fatima gave birth to a child that was rescued back to India by the Hindu contingent because the Caliph Yazeed was hellbent upon eliminating the entire lineage of the Prophet? We probably would never know, but the fact that this contingent which came back to India with their prized possession has maintained a veil around themselves along with the above prophecy of Hazrat Mahdi being from the family of Fatima that we will discuss below leaves a lot of open-ended questions to ponder upon.
There will be 30 dajjals among my Ummah. Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets, and there will be no Prophet after me
Narrated by Thawban ibn Kaidad
Upon reflecting on the accounts detailing the expulsion and persecution endured by Prophet Mohammed’s family, it becomes apparent that following the Prophet’s demise, Islam underwent a transformation from a religious movement to a political entity. Those in positions of power sought primarily to expand their influence and authority, albeit under the guise of religious fervor. The prophecy under discussion in this context only serves to validate this observation.
Here in this Hadees Prophet Muhammad foretold the decline of His followers, from whom would emerge 30 individuals of wicked nature. These individuals, masquerading under the guise of Islam, would falsely present themselves as virtuous prophets or at least act like one though may not declare it (Taqiyya), but would, in reality, be deceitful and have no true connection to Islam.
It is crucial to bear this prophecy in mind, as it provides insight into other prophetic sayings. We must remember that the Prophet warned of the misguidance of His people by fraudulent religious leaders, who, under the banner of Islam, would lead them astray into the clutches of evil.
The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting.
Narrated Mu’adh ibn Jabal
This prophecy concerns the end times. Yathrib was the name of Medina before the advent of Islam. When viewed in conjunction with the preceding prediction, this prophecy suggests that in the end times, due to the influence of the 29 corrupt Dajjals who would have already distorted Islam, Medina will fall into ruin. Thus, it foretells that Islam would have significantly deteriorated from its original principles.
A significant marker of the end times is the conquest of Constantinople, now known as Istanbul. While Constantinople has seen many conquests, the focus here is on its takeover by Islamic forces, as Dajjal is believed to emerge from an Islamic background. The first such conquest occurred in 1453 when the Ottoman Empire captured the city and converted the Hagia Sophia Church into a mosque (an act forbidden in Islam). Was this conquest the beginning of the prophecy about the end times, or was it merely a precursor to even darker times ahead will be revealed as the future unravels what lies in store in its belly.
The Hour will not be established until two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine until about 30 dajjals appear, and each of them will claim that he is Allah’s Apostle…
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 237
In this prophecy, it is foreseen that a significant conflict will erupt between two factions within Islam, resulting in extensive casualties before the onset of the end times. The Islamic community is already fractured by a deep-seated rivalry between Shia and Sunni sects, each asserting its legitimacy while denouncing the other as unbelievers or Kafirs. Iran leads the Shia faction, while the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia heads the Sunni bloc. Another geo-political grouping has recently emerged with Turkey leading Pakistan and Malaysia into an alliance threatening the leadership of Saudi Arabia in the Sunni-Muslim world. The prophecy indicates that the culmination of these end-time events hinges upon a clash between two groups, resulting in a profound loss of life. Additionally, the prophecy mentions the emergence of 30 impostors (Dajjals), with the 30th being Al-Masiah-ad-Dajjal. This suggests that the aforementioned war represents the final confrontation between two of the major groups within Islam, with the faction aligned with the 30th Dajjal potentially emerging victorious, thus setting the stage for the fulfillment of subsequent prophecies.
The Mahdi will be of my (Prophet’s) family, of the descendants of Fatimah
Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin
We discussed above that the descendants of the Prophet were being mercilessly killed after His death and the Battle of Karbala and the butchery of Hussain and His followers led the remaining family members to migrate as the Prophet had earlier prophesied. We also discussed that at the same time, a group we know today as Hussani Brahmins migrated to India, who, though Hindus follow Hindu-Islamic crossover way of life and hypothesized that they, or maybe in their rank and file, live the descendants of Prophet in Taqiyya. This hypothesis becomes all the more convincing with the above Hadiat where the Prophet foretells that descendants of His daughter Fatimah, who is someone from the family of Hasan and Hussain or the third child of Fatima (being allegedly declared dead due to miscarriage to save from Caliph) will be the prophesied person named Mahdi.
Another interesting thing to mention here is that when Hussain realized that His lineage to Prophet Mohammed was the reason that Caliph Yazeed felt threatened, He offered to leave for India if granted a safe passage which Yazeed declined, making it all the more obvious that the members of His family would have attempted to do the same after the Battle of Karbala. The above high probability of the lineage of the Prophet finding safe refuge in India, the presence of Sayeeds in the Indian Subcontinent who claim themselves to be descendants of the Prophet, and above all the mysterious lifestyle of Hussani Brahmins makes one ponder if prophesized Hazrat Mahdi in the above Hadiat is going to be in Indian, or at least someone from the Indian Subcontinent.
Definitely, one of your troops would do a war with Hindustan (India). Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains. And Allah would forgive those warriors
Narrated by Aby Hurairah
Now, we finally arrive at the mother of all Hadiths on Ghazwa-e-Hind, a Hadith that is a favorite of the Pakistani Jihadi Social-Media Brigade and its war-mongering Mullahas. The Hadith prophesies that during the end times, someone among the rank and file of Islam would initiate a war in Indian Subcontinent in which they would be successful and would bind its Hindu kings in Chains.
A few interesting things to note here is that before the above Hadiath comes true
- 29 Dajjals would have already happened in Islam turning the entire Islamic philosophy upside-down.
- Medina would be in a state of ruins
- Two big groups in the Islamic world would have already fought a big battle amongst themselves causing massive death and destruction.
- The 30th and the final Dajjal would have already conquered the Middle East and Islam would be on the brink of extinction in the place of its birth.
- While Islam is deteriorating in the Middle East, its prophesized savior, someone from the Lineage of Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Mohammed is most likely in the safe hands somewhere in Hindustan – The Indian sub-continent.
- Since the Afghanistan and the Pakistan portions of traditional India – the Hindustan is already completely Islamic and decaying into fundamentalism, and with most of the Hussani Brahmins who rescued the family of Fatima have already migrated from Pakistan to the Indian side, it is most likely that the prophesized savior Al-Mahdi is going to be someone from India.
- Finally, the Hind mentioned in earlier prophesies on the subject being restricted to the Afghanistan-Pakistan side of Hindustan, it’s most likely that this final battle – The Ghazwa-e-Hind is also being described to be fought in the same region.
Now, let’s revisit the Hadith keeping the points mentioned above in mind. It mentions that someone from within the ranks of Islam, likely referring to Hazrat Mahdi, will kick off a battle in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region of Hind and emerge victorious. So, contrary to what some may interpret, it’s not about Pakistani forces invading India. Instead, it’s about someone from India’s side making a move into Pakistan and Afghanistan, seizing control. As highlighted earlier, this portion of Hind has been the setting for previous prophecies of Ghazwa-e-Hind, so it’s logical to assume it’ll play out similarly in the end. However, there’s a twist. The Hadith suggests that this battle will subjugate Hindu kings and put them in chains. Yet, there are hardly any Hindus remaining in this Pakistani region, and those few who are there lead difficult lives. So, how do we make sense of this?
The reason behind this terminology can be understood by looking at the ethnic background of the people in the Af-Pak region. Despite adopting Islam, ethnically, they trace back to Indian Hindus. Among them, the Pashtuns were notable Hindus who established the outpost of Purush-Pura, now known as Peshawar, on the Khyber Pass, serving as the first line of defense and becoming primary guardians of Hind. Similarly, Punjabis belong to the renowned Ishvaku lineage of Hindus and acted as the second line of defense in case the first was breached.

Say for example, during Alexander’s invasion when the Pashtuns couldn’t stop Greeks from entering India, it was the legendary King Porus of Punjab who stopped the tsunami of Greeks and forced it to retreat. The Sindhi and the Balooch never renounced their Hindu heritage and still celebrate their Hindu roots and heritage, including their language and culture.

Hinglaj Mata Temple, Baluchistan
The aforementioned Hadith suggests that Hazrat Mahdi, with Arab lineage, will rally these Hindus following Islam to resist the Dajjal, who would have seized control over the Middle East. Just as Hindus responded to Hussain’s call and bound by the chains of love fought against the evil Caliph, perhaps the 1st Dajjal in line, similarly, these descendants of Hindus from Pakistan and Afghanistan will rise to the occasion and bound by chains of love, fight for the Arab Mahdi.
The Messenger of Allah promised us that we would conquer India, so if I am martyred I will be among the best of martyrs, and if I return then I am Abu Hurairah the freed.
Narrated by Abu Hurariah
Once more, considering this Hadith in conjunction with the earlier ones regarding Ghazwa-e-Hind, it’s evident that the Prophet foresaw Mahdi’s conquest of the Afghanistan-Pakistan regions of Hind. However, the Prophet also mentions martyrdom, implying that it won’t be a smooth journey for Mahdi. Evil forces, influenced by the previous 29 Dajjals, who had corrupted Islam, are likely to resist Mahdi’s advancements. The narrator of this Hadith expresses willingness to be martyred fighting alongside Mahdi, suggesting that such a sacrifice would rank among the highest forms of martyrdom.
God shall save two group of people from amongst my followers from hellfire. One which shall fight in Al Hind (India) and the other, which shall accompany Jesus (on His return)
In this Hadith, Prophet Mohammed asserts that two specific groups among His followers will be spared from the hellfire, with one of these groups being the descendants of Hindus from Hindustan. They are expected to rise and support Hazrat Mehdi. This Hadith serves as a call to action for all Muslims in the Indian subcontinent stating that when Mehdi, who will be His direct descendent in the lineage of Fatima from somewhere in India, speaks out against the wrongs committed by imposters of Islam, then know that it’s time to unite and stand behind Him. Those who heed this call will be considered the greatest of Muslims and will be spared from the hellfire.
Ghazwa-e-Hind – The Conclusion
In conclusion, the Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecies serve as a symbolic reset mechanism within Islam, aimed at confronting and rectifying the injustices perpetrated in the name of religion after Prophet Mohammed. These prophecies anticipate a future figure, directly in lineage from the Prophet through His daughter Fatima, denouncing the misdeeds committed in the name of God. It is believed that these descendants are presently concealed in India, awaiting the eventual unveiling during the apocalyptic times. The term “Ghazwa” has historically been associated with the battles in which Prophet Mohammed Himself participated, marking significant watershed moments in Islamic history. Its mention in predictions regarding an event at the end of times underscores its anticipated importance. Whether this event manifests as a battle engulfing the regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, or as a transformative movement spreading across these areas before arriving in Arabia, remains uncertain. However, given the fulfillment of past prophecies, there is reason to consider that what is foretold about the future may also come to pass. It is hoped that this future event will take the form of a reformatory movement, as Islam has suffered from the ravages of war and the influence of false leaders, leading to its exploitation by impostors and distortions of its teachings. May Hazrat Mehdi herald a reversal of this trend, rectifying the sins committed in the name of Islam and restoring its true essence as the religion of peace for the betterment of humanity!